CAMLOG Foundation Research Award – 2012/2013

30 augustus2012 - De CAMLOG Foundation kondigt voor de derde keer haar beroemde CAMLOG Stichting Research Award aan. 
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For the third time, the CAMLOG Foundation announces its renowned CAMLOG Foundation Research Award. The Research Award is presented every two years at the International CAMLOG Congress and is open to all young, talented scientists / researchers and dedicated professionals from universities, hospitals and practices under 40 years of age.

The expected extraordinary scientific papers must be published in a recognized scientific journal and can be submitted either in English or German. They should treat one of these topics in implant dentistry or related disciplines: 

  • Diagnostics and planning in implant dentistry
  • Hard- and soft-tissue management in implant dentistry
  • Sustainability of implant-supported prosthetics
  • Physiological and pathophysiological aspects in implant dentistry
  • Advances in digital procedures in implant dentistry.

The contributions will be judged and evaluated by the CAMLOG Foundation Board.
The winner of the CAMLOG Foundation Research Prize 2012/2013 will be given the opportunity of presenting his/her work to a wider audience on the occasion of the 2014 International CAMLOG Congress. Furthermore, the authors of the three best contributions will receive attractive cash prizes (each EUR 10,000, EUR 6,000 and EUR 4,000).

The entry conditions and the mandatory registration form can be downloaded from Registration deadline is November 30th, 2013.

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