05/02 - Patientengeschillencommissie Tandtechniek
Patient steeds vaker in direct contact met tandtechnicus
05/02 - NZa reageert nog niet op verzoek ANT inzake orthodontietarieven
04/02 - Elephant Dental wordt DENTSPLY Prosthetics Benelux
02/02 - Pensioenfonds Tandtechniek december 2012: dekkingsgraad te laag
Formele beslissing maatregelen volgt
01/02 - TTM 112 verschenen
30/01 - Spaanse multinational Phibo start distributie in Nederland
Phibo Experience tijdens de IDS 2013 in Keulen
30/01 - ANT heeft nieuwe voorzitter en bestuurslid
24/01 - All-in-One Toothbrush Now Available Internationally
24/01 - Hu-Friedy at the IDS 2013
23/01 - Stratasys Appoints Medicodi and PD Dental as Channel Partners
21/01 - 3Shape announces the launch of its new TRIOS Ortho solution
3Shape is now releasing a complete digital solution for orthodontic clinics that bundles the 3Shape TRIOS digital impression solution with 3Shape’s Ortho Analyzer software.
21/01 - 3Shape announces the launch of its new TRIOS Ortho solution
3Shape is now releasing a complete digital solution for orthodontic clinics that bundles the 3Shape TRIOS digital impression solution with 3Shape’s Ortho Analyzer software.
18/01 - Nobel Biocare Board of Directors nominates Franz Maier
18/01 - Toediening van geluidsgolven verbetert vertraagde botgenezing
09/01 - EuroTeknika Group opent een kantoor in Nederland
Nummer 182
december 2024
december 2024
In dit nummer
Verspreiding in december 2024.
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